The purposes of the Brookmill Road Conservation Area Society are:

• To conserve and enhance the character and appearance of the Brookmill Road Conservation Area as described in the Lewisham Conservation Area Character Appraisal (1998) and subsequent revisions. The area is described as one of great architectural unity with a pronounced corniced parapet running the length of each terrace uniting the whole and featuring consistent use of London roofs giving a clear characteristic roofscape.  To retain this unified roofscape, roof extensions will be resisted by the society.

• To monitor and respond to planning applications, ensuring they are consistent and in keeping with the Conservation Area characteristics and conservation law (Civic Amenities Act 1967).

• To consult with Lewisham Council on planning and conservation issues.

• To increase awareness of the area’s history and character through occasional talks, online and printed information.

• To work as part of Lewisham’s Amenity Societies panel on planning issues.

• To cooperate with other local conservation societies and community groups where appropriate.

You can download a copy of the Constitution here.

You can download minutes of the Inaugural Meeting here.


Membership is free and open to all residents and others who formally support the purposes of the Society. To become a member or make any enquiries, please get in touch using the contact form. Or simply download the Membership Form, complete, sign and return to brookmillroadconservationarea (use ‘at’ sign) gmail.com. Two officers will arrange to meet you.


Chair: Julia Rowntree

Secretary: Juliet Johnson, BA, BArch, MA, RIBA

Treasurer: Xanthe Mosley

Brookmill Road Conservation Area Society is London Borough of Lewisham’s official CA consultee